Dalia Al-Othman, the founder of Health Care Navigators, LLC, is available to speak to groups of patients and/or professionals on the following topics:
1. Patient Empowerment: Know The Facts,
Know Your Rights
2. Patient Safety: How To Avoid Medical Mistakes
and Hospital-Acquired Infections
3. Communication Skills: How To
Communicate Effectively With Your Doctor
4. How To Be Your Own Best Advocate In
Today’s Health Care System
5. Attention Providers! How To Collaborate Effectively With Your Patients
6. Attention Employers! How To Create Workplace Wellness Programs
and Why You Should Do So
7. Be Prepared For Your Hospital Stay: Tips To Ensure That Your Hospital Stay Is As Painless,
Stress-Free, and SAFE As Possible
8. Caregivers: How To Help Your Loved Ones Through Their Illness
9. The Emerging Field of Patient Advocacy: What Is A Patient Advocate
and Why Do You Need One?
10. Preparing For Surgery: The DOs and DON’Ts
11. Medical Research On The Internet: What Sites Can You Trust?
12. Medicare 101
13. Choosing a Doctor
14. Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) Treatments: What Are CAM Treatments
and How Can They Help?
15. Understanding The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010:
How Does The New Health Care Law Affect You?
If you have an
idea for a related topic that is not listed here, we may be able to accommodate your request.
Please CONTACT US for prices and more information.